+ JMJ Just a quick thought for today. Some people take offense a the smallest glance, word, or phrase. I think that in some cases this is simply because they are insecure. In other cases, some how the action has touched their self-image ... or the image of self that they want to present to the world. There is a simpler word for this - pride. How should a Catholic think of an 'offense' or word against them? My recommendation is to think of offense an object that someone either knowingly or unknowingly places on a table. It is up the persons at the table to decide from themselves whether or not to take it. You see, a person doesn't give offense, he offers it. The other person decides to take offense. Keep this in mind next time you believe someone has offended you. You can take it or you can leave it. P^3
Seeking A Way Forward: A Lay Catholic Traditionalist's Thoughts and Reflections on ways to help the Church emerge from this crisis of Faith