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I believe in God ...


I grow increasingly disturbed by Louie Verrecchio's posts.

For example, we have his latest post on Bishop Fellay's interview here.  Aside from the obvious dissonance the arises when someone criticises an SSPX bishop (some I recognize as a cultural reaction), there is something else.

All Bishop Fellay is doing is giving Pope Francis the benefit of the doubt and trying to understand what his motivations may be - not an easy task given the eccentric warp and weft of the tangle weave the Pope Francis is creating by the minute.

How can Bishop Fellay even suggest, however obliquely, that one might see in Francis an image of the Good Shepherd – Our Blessed Lord, who upon being ridiculed for “receiving sinners and eating with them” (and let us not forget, calling them to conversion as well) delivered the parable of the lost sheep?
Well simply, Bishop Fellay can suggest it as a possible point the Pope Francis sees himself in this manner, based on his understanding of Pope Francis and the contacts that he has had with the Pope and those who surround him.

What Louie appears to have forgotten or perhaps never knew, is that people are seldom if ever all black or all white.  Mafia dons love their mothers and their families as much as anyone (white).  Anyone who crosses the line with their families will receive proof of the ardent love (black).

The point is that people are not black or white, they are speckled (poke a dot if you will). Some where between totally black and totally white is where most of us fall on the spectrum.

It would do well to not look at things  in such simple black/white terms when dealing with the person as opposed to the actions of the person.

Then we have his post titled "In search of solutions to the present crisis".

Here we have the key point, the Church is infested with bad bishops, priests, nuns, brothers, laity etc.
That is simple to see.

What is missed is that eventually this will start to turn around and just like the Arian heresy the Church will begin to emerge from the crisis.

Only, don't hope to see a return to sanity in our days. It took over a hundred years for the Church to bury that heresy.  Even after the Council of Trent there were still priests who would not leave their 'wives'.  The solution given by the Pope to a Bishop who complained was simple: replace if you can - make do if you cannot. Sorry I  can't recall the Pope - just read it somewhere.

So what are we to do?

First, be patient and maintain calm.
Second, seek to help others be patient and calm.

That is where I have issues with Louie, he isn't doing a lot of that lately.

I have seen this before:

Man converts from something to traditional Catholicism. Gets very righteous at the state of the Church, V2, Novus Ordo Missae etc and become grumpy.

Man become further and further entrenched in his position and narrows his perspective bit by bit until he can't see anything else except for what is right in front of him.

That's when it happens.

The Devil arrives and lays a 2x4 upside the head of the man.  Who caught totally unaware due to the psy blinders, is knocked off balance and falls.

This is what happened to Gerry Matatics, priests that prefer the simple answers to complex questions and I fear it is what is in store for Louie if he persists on this path.

Louie, if you read this, keep peace of soul, read this article on gratitude (link), and think carefully of how you influense your readers. You will be responsible for them.

For everyone else, be grateful that you aren't in the muck of the Novus Ordo Messy.  If you are, seek a way out, nothing less than your salvation hangs in the balance.

The leads me back to the title of this post "I believe in God ...".  I do and I thank God for answering my mother's prayer that we not be blind during the crisis that was coming.  Having our eyes opened was not pleasant as it unended my world, but I would not have it any other way - because it is the right way.



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