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Showing posts from March, 2014

Universal Salvation and Bl. Pope John Paul II

+ JMJ While following the comings and goings in the blogosphere (ie following the blogs that I link - but abstaining from commenting), I came across a couple of articles that I believe require some commentary - but not because of the contents but the references. I was reading the Remnant's latest online article   and noticed the following reference: Eternal damnation remains a possibility, but we are not granted, without special divine revelation, the knowledge of whether or which human beings are effectively involved in it. I found the same reference in another article in reply to the 'radtrad' accusations by various online personalities.

Attendance and participation at Mass

A reminder of what 'participation' at Mass really means. Courtesy of Attendance and participation at Mass You are here: home attendance and participation at mass A comprehensive explanation of the authentic and traditional understanding of "active participation", and why and how it is important for Catholics to actually participate while attending Mass.

Must Catholics attend the New Mass?

Courtesy of Must Catholics attend the New Mass? The SSPX's position on the protestantized New Mass is explained, thus demonstrating that according to the Church's teaching, Catholics are not obliged to attend the  Novus Ordo  as it puts the faith in danger. This excerpt from the May 2007  SiSiNoNo  features a letter of critique from a priest to the editor about the SSPX's position on the New Mass. Within this letter, the priest cites a misrepresentation of the Society's stance while simultaneously affirming that Catholics are bound to attend the  Novus Ordo even though it has been "protestantized". The editor replied in the May 2007 issue clarifying the SSPX's position while citing the Church's teaching about the Sunday Obligation and how the New Mass poses a danger to the faith of Catholics, thus needs to be avoided. Must We Attend A “Protestantized” Mass?

Tributes for a Catholic bishop -

I decided that this was worth logging onto the site to post. I first noticed the tribute on rorate  and of course one from the SSPX. Catholics owe much to Archbishop Lefebvre. For myself I try to pay attention to the manner in which he made his decisions and then acted upon them with conviction.  There is much to emulate. P^3 PS. I now return to my lenten resolution and 'pre-programmed' posts. Courtesy of Tributes for a Catholic bishop March 24, 2014  District of the USA Archbishop Lefebvre went to his eternal reward on March 25, 1991, the Feast of the Annunciation, after having valiantly promoted and defended the Catholic Faith throughout the world. We offer some tributes previously published on in commemoration of the death of  Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre  (March 25, 1991), a bishop for the Catholic Church. Dying on the day when all begin

SSPX Confessions and Marriages

Courtesy of Valid: SSPX's confessions and marriages January 15, 2014  District of the US The SSPX's priests are often accused of not being able to validly hear confessions or perform marriages. But this false claim falls flat upon a close examination of Canon Law — particularly in light of the crisis in the Church. A frequent accusation made by opponents of the Society of St. Pius X is that the confessions and marriages undertaken in its chapels are invalid because its priests lack jurisdiction. This false assertion not only ignores the Church's jurisprudence on  supplied jurisdiction , but more importantly, the reality that a state of necessity  exists due to the post-conciliar crisis. On the canonical side of things, we re-present here the important and comprehensive 3-part study of Fr. Ramon Angles,  The Validity of Confessions & Marriages in the Chapels of the Society of St. Pius X  which in summary demonstrat...

The True Mass can renew the earth

Courtesy of The True Mass can renew the earth January 09, 2014  District of the US For the benefit of our readers we have just re-published to the website several articles concerning the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which is also at the heart of the priestly Society of St. Pius X, as it defines the Church's apostolic mission.

Revolution Revealed: The Triumph of Modernism and the End of the Traditional Catholic Church - The Remnant Newspaper

Given that unreserved acceptance of the Second Vatican Council is being forced upon Catholics  (FFI, SSPX, FSSP et al) with varying degrees of success, I think it is worth reviewing some of the issues. P^3 Courtesy of the Remnant Newspaper Part 1 , Part 2 Revolution Revealed: The Triumph of Modernism and the End of the Traditional Catholic Church  Featured Written by   Peter Crenshaw | Remnant Columnist “The Second Vatican Council was the main event in the Church in the 20th Century. In principle, it meant an end to the hostilities between the Church and modernism, which was condemned in the First Vatican Council”… Cardinal Oscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga

Is the Society of St. Pius X, an emanation of the "Conciliar Church"? - A Translation of Côme de Prévigny's French Article on Credidimus Caritati

Further thoughts on the implications of the term 'conciliar Church'.  As noted in my earlier article  , the 'resistance' appears to understand the term as a completely separate entity - with its own hierarchy etc. If that were true, then there would be new implications. Which 'church' gave the official approval for the founding of the SSPX?  The One, Holy, Roman, Catholic, Apostolic Church or the 'Conciliar Church'? The following article provides a good background of the issue that the 'resistance' needs to reconsider in their accusation that the SSPX has a malformed understanding of Church ecclesiology. Courtesy of Credidimus Caritati Among the marginal environments of Tradition, there are some people who are attempting to twist the thoughts of Archbishop Lefebvre, and attempt to state that the "Conciliar Church" should be considered as an independent structure, independent from the Catholic Church as founded by Our Lord. ...

Remember the Hawaii Six case? -

Catholics who are just discovering the traditions of the Church (doctrinal as well as liturgical) are probably not aware of those who have beaten the path for them. Attached below is an article about six of the intrepid Catholics who knew right from wrong and faced down the accusation of schism. P^3

The “need” to know all vs. peace of soul -

Fostering a strong spiritual life isn't just a 'nice to have' it is essential to survival in this crisis of the Church. Having itching ears (or eyes) for what amounts to heresay, calumny and gossip is poison to the spiritual life. Further, continually taking in the 'latest news and views' without pausing to reflect and consider the deeper implications of what has been said/written can lead to a narrowing of the perspective instead of a widening it. In other words, people constantly seeking after the latest info will know more and more about less and less. Why, because they will like understanding about the info and will simply react based on their passions. This is what makes them easy to manipulate and lead around will false information. The antidote to this is a strong spiritual life and periodically setting aside the most precious commodity that we have (time) to do spiritual reading, meditation and prayer. A well ordered life leads to well ordered de...

Posting Holiday

Hi, I'm taking a holiday until Ascension - unless something really dramatic occurs ... I have setup a number of posts from my backlog to automatically show up every few days or so ... Wishing you a Happy and Holy Lent and Easter. P^3 Prayer Penance Patience

"What God hath joined together... and The Cultural Revolution of Cardinal Kasper" - Rorate Caeli

Rorate Caeli has posted another article concerning the debate of allowing people living in adultery ("divorced and remarried") to officially receive Holy Communion. All I want to add to this is pray! P^3 Prayer Penance Patience Source " What God hath joined together... and The Cultural Revolution of Cardinal Kasper" Families are under attack and  this  is what the Cardinal is worried about? by  Prof. Roberto de Mattei [A response to card. Kasper's  proposals  to the consistory of cardinals weakening the indissolubility of Christian marriage.]

The Good of Authority - Fr. Laisney

The Church is, by divine will, constituted as a hierarchy. In our democratically aligned society, this seems counter cultural, and it is. How authority flows through the Church from top to bottom is the way God designed the Church to work. Any other way will lead to a corruption of its constitution, that is why there are issues with the collegiality promoted since the Second Vatican Council. P^3 Courtesy of SSPXAsia Is truth above authority or authority above truth? What are the relations between both? Even at the natural level, man first needs authority to learn the truth: all children first learn upon the authority of their parents and teachers, and later will be able to know by themselves what they had first learnt by way of authority. Even then in adulthood, there remain many truths which most people know upon authority (e.g. how many adults know how to prove that the surface of a disk is pr2. Most people know it upon the authority of their school teachers). Yet at that...

Blue on Blue Engagement - Sequel

Louie Verrecchio has posted a follow-on reflection to his vid rebuke of CMTV. I want to strongly endorse a particular statement made by Mr. Verrecchio, concerning the Pope (highlighted in RED below). Here is what St.Thomas Aquinas wrote about rebuking a superior: ... It must be observed, however, that if the faith were endangered, a subject ought to rebuke his prelate even publicly. ...  Summa  IIa, IIae, q.33, art. 4, ad 2 But for all of the problems and inconsistencies that we see issuing from the Papal Office, the fact remains that he is the Vicar of Christ and as such we must respect him and issue our 'corrections' in Charity at ALL times. If we fail in this, we fail miserably. P^3 Courtesy of Louie Verrecchio Now that I have your attention I appreciate all of the responses to the Gore-Tex video.  They’ve been overwhelming, really. Now that I have your attention, I hope you will permit me to encourage some introspection.

Blue on Blue Engagement - Update

The 'FAQ' posting by Church Militant.TV is proceeding through its lifecycle of posting, comment, comment, comment, comment ... Some comments etc can be found here , here , here and ... here . Below are my personal thoughts. Update: Louie Verricchio has just posted confirmation that the 'FAQ' posting was the work of Mr. Voris and posted his own video commentary . So we have a Blue-On-Blue engagement. In the final analysis are the people that he accuses laughing at the Pope or crying? The actions of the Pope are not private, but very, very public. As such they have significant consequences that touch souls across the world. When the shepherd is struck the sheep scatter. P^3 Prayer Penance Patience