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The Chastisement of the Franciscans of the Friars Immaculate - Part 4

Rorate Caeli (thankfully) is still tracking the FFI intervention.  At this point I have provided a complete copy of their post.

First, Rorate Caeli has the best coverage that I have ever found of events that have a bearing on the Catholic world with a particular emphasis on the Traditional front.

Second, the chastisement of the FFI in the manner in which it is taking place shows, in my opinion, that the FFI crossed a 'red-line' concerning the Second Vatican Council and the Novus Ordo Missae.  The irrationality of the methods used against them indicate that (from an organizational culture point of view) they have tripped upon a cultural landmine. Incidentally, the same one that the SSPX has been tripping on for the last few decades.

Third, what is it that causes such a reaction?

I have heard from a priest that the bishops are actually afraid of the Tridentine Mass.  I have read that the reason for rejecting Summorum Pontificum was because the Tridentine Mass represents an 'outmoded theology'.

What is it about the Tridentine Mass and the Theology that it embodies that could cause such a reaction?

Is it just that Archbishop Lefebvre called the Novus Ordo Missae a 'bastard Mass' because it blended protestant and Catholic Theologies?

Is it because they believe that 'crypto-Lefebvists' are the only ones that cannot be accepted in the Church while the Neo Catechumenal Way can make up its own liturgy?

Why is error and moral corruption allowed to fester within the Church (vortex1, vortex2), but if an organization dares to question the merits of the rite of the Novus Ordo Missae, or the vague documents of the Second Vatican Council, the inquisition is immediately reinstated and given full powers to execute the innocent and promote the guilty?

I'm certain that the fundamental answer to these questions is that the Church contains both the good and the bad, the just and the sinners.

However, at another level I wonder if they Church Teaching (Dicens) is so corrupt or are they just so afraid of public opinion? Something that used to be called 'Human Respect'. Just in case you haven't heard this is not a 'good' kind of respect it is a 'bad' ie sinful kind.

Our Lord Jesus Christ said something once the comes to mind that perhaps describes those shepherds that are not fulfilling their role in the Church.


When the wolves come, the hirelings flee.

Sad days for the One Holy Catholic Church, and yet I believe in the Divine Promise and have proof before my eyes: The Church is still there, even now.

There is only one way to resolve this crisis: God's Grace

This can be obtained by Prayer, Penance and Patience.


Source: Rorate Caeli

The Franciscans of the Immaculate under visitation 
30 of 33 FI-run TLM's in Italy shut down since July 11

Il Coordinamento Nazionale del Summorum Pontificum reports that out of 33 sites where the Franciscans of the Immaculate had offered the Traditional Latin Mass daily or weekly before July 11, only 3 still have this Mass. 

More specifically, the Vetus Ordo had been said daily, or at least weekly, in almost all the houses of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate in Italy. In addition, it was celebrated in parishes entrusted to the friars, namely, the parishes of All Saints' (Ognissanti) in Florence, Santo Spirito in Ferrara, S. Maria Maggiore in Trieste and S. Domenico in Teramo. The Vetus Ordo was also celebrated by the friars in the Santuario della B. V. Addolorata in Campocavallo, the FI's Seminary in Sassoferrato, and in Santa Maria Annunziata in Borgo in Rome (the Nunziatina). 

After July 11, by order of the Apostolic Commissioner, the Seminary in Sassoferrato was closed (as Rorate earlierreported) and another three houses suppressed (in the Diocese of Albenga-Imperia, where the bishop had tried to support the friars in trying to retain the Traditional Latin Mass, as reported in numerous sources). In the remaining places where the FI had offered the Vetus Ordo before July 11, only the Ognissanti in Florence, S. Domenico in Teramo, and the Santuario della B. V. Addolorata in Campocavallo still have them. Requests to continue the celebration of the Vetus Ordo in the other sites were refused by the Apostolic Commissioner.

A brief English notice relaying the same news can be found here; this page also appeals to readers for information on the state of TLM sites formerly run by the FI in countries outside of Italy.

Please, also send this information or corrections to Rorate for a fair and accurate future report on the status of FI-kept Traditional Masses in Italy and throughout the world.


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