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Showing posts from November, 2016

With a Pope like Francis - Why does the SSPX keep going to Rome???

+ JMJ The standard answer is: Because Archbishop Lefebvre always went to Rome when asked - except from one time - right before the consecrations. However, there is another reason why the SSPX should continue to work out what would be an acceptable canonical structure. Because the chair of St. Peter won't always be occupied by a person who has a will to destroy the Catholic Church. Eventually, Pope Francis will either: convert (ala Pius IX), die, or be "deposed" as a heretic. (Note: Nuances need to be understood in this deposition of a reigning Pontiff - please see:  ThePope ) When one of these three events happens (not if - when) a new Pope will be elected and if this one will concretely favor the return to Sacred Tradition etc, then a structure to support the SSPX's work in restoring Catholicism will be ready. P^3

FFI and Fr. Angelo M. Geiger

+ JMJ Something interesting happened to the FSSP priests who caused their chapter elections to be overturned in 2000. Within a few years, they left. Now we have this report from Gloria.TV that Fr. Angelo M. Geiger has left the FFI and joined a regular Franciscan order. Oh well - some much for his excuses. Frankly, if some members of the FFI were indeed 'Crypto-Lefebvrists', then what was Fr. Geiger, a 'Crypto-Modernist'??? Riposte Catholique has an article (robo translation below). I believe that the events of the FFI have a special importance for the SSPX. In 2000, the FSSP underwent their convulsion, just as relations between Rome and the SSPX were rekindled, providing the SSPX with material to question the intentions of the Roman authorities Flash forward to 2012, the FFI (thanks to Fr. Geiger et al), are placed under investigation by Rome and their crime?  Crypto-Lefebvrism. Very telling for the SSPX! P^3

Justice for Faithful Catholics

+ JMJ While faithful Catholics now have the distinction of being called names by a rogue Pope (ie Pope Francis) we have to remember something: Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after  justice : for they shall have their fill. ( Verse 6 ) So just remember, no matter what names Pope Francis and his minions call us, we just have to turn around and, politely ask: ... and what are you??? For those faithful Catholics who don't support the SSPX but find themselves the object of derision - welcome to the club!!! 😄 Beatitudes P^3

Hearing the Word of God - Imitation of Christ

+ JMJ The spectacle of a Pope calling Faithful Catholics names is bound to make an impression. In considering the core fault of modernists, I would venture to say that it is pride. ... not too surprising all else considered. However, something to keep in mind is that all the artful constructs of man shall come to naught when the light of God's Truth shines forth. What we need to do as faithful Catholics is perform our duty of state with heroic virtue. This means: Know your faith, pray and foster a strong spiritual life. Just because the Pope and a good number of Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, et al don't do their duty of states is not and excuse for us! Hear the words of God and consider them with care! P^3

Pope Francis - - - Preaching another Gospel ... again!

+ JMJ Pope Francis has done it again - preaching another Gospel and then ... You told me some time ago that the precept, “Love your neighbour as thyself” had to change, given the dark times that we are going through, and become “more than thyself.” So you yearn for a society where equality dominates. This, as you know, is the programme of Marxist socialism and then of communism. Are you therefore thinking of a Marxist type of society? “It it has been said many times and my response has always been that, if anything, it is the communists who think like Christians. Christ spoke of a society where the poor, the weak and the marginalized have the right to decide. Not demagogues, not Barabbas, but the people, the poor, whether they have faith in a transcendent God or not. It is they who must help to achieve equality and freedom”. One Peter Five Aside from praising the communists - he should be merciful and pray for them.

Rome, SSPX and Pope Francis

+ JMJ I apply Catholic principles in my evaluation of any regularization of the SSPX.  This is simple and clear. A Future Canonical Regularization of the SSPX If there is only a remote occasion of sin, then the SSPX would be obliged to obey and submit to a canonical regularization of their situation within the Church. Here's a refresher on Proximate and Remote occasions of sin: Proximate occasion  (De poenit. disp. 14, n. 149) as one in which men of like caliber for the most part fall into mortal sin, or one in which experience points to the same result from the special weakness of a particular person. Remote occasion  lacks these elements.  Tradicat Article In the case of a regularization what constitutes a 'proximate' occasion of sin?

True Obedience: The Mark of A Faithful Catholic Part G: The SSPX and Conclusion

+ JMJ SSPX Conflict with Rome (1974) The SSPX conflict with Rome has its roots in the events of 1974 with the visitation and the Declaration . The key phrase may be: It is impossible to modify profoundly the lex orandi without modifying the lex credendi. To the Novus Ordo Missae correspond a new catechism, a new priesthood, new seminaries, a charismatic Pentecostal Church—all things opposed to orthodoxy and the perennial teaching of the Church. This Reformation, born of Liberalism and Modernism, is poisoned through and through; it derives from heresy and ends in heresy, even if all its acts are not formally heretical. It is therefore impossible for any conscientious and faithful Catholic to espouse this Reformation or to submit to it in any way whatsoever. This seems to be the root of the mantra that the SSPX accept the council and the new mass. Now with 42 years of hindsight we can asked the key question: Was Archbishop Lefebvre correct? Has the change in le...

True Obedience: The Mark of A Faithful Catholic Part F: Principles in Practice - Amoris Laetitia

+ JMJ Amoris Laetitia The second example is more delicate as it deals with the recent manifestation of the Pope's desire in Amoris Laetitia to allow those Catholics to receive Holy Communion who have abandoned their spouses and are living in an objective state of cohabitation with another man or woman. Here are the objective teachings of the Catholic Church: A Catholic who obtains a civil divorce, is still considered married to their spouse in the eye of God and His Church. Until such time as the Church, after investigating the facts, concludes that the formation of the Catholic marriage was frustrated. To have marital relations outside of marriage is a mortal sin. To knowingly receive the Holy Eucharist in a state of mortal sin is the sin of sacrilege. To enable the sin of sacrilege is in itself sinful. Following Catholic Teaching, carrying out an order (tacit or explicit) to provide communion to Catholics who purport to be remarried civilly is obj...

True Obedience: The Mark of A Faithful Catholic Part E: Principles in Practice - Summorum Pontificum

+ JMJ Principles in Practice Unfortunately, many examples of sinful obedience and disobedience are readily available since the end of the Second World War. I've selected two recent events in the life of the Church as examples: Summorum Pontificum and Amoris Laetitia. Summorum Pontificum In 2007, Pope Benedict issued the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum. In the Motu Proprio we find the following statement: Art. 5. § 1 In parishes, where there is a stable group of faithful who adhere to the earlier liturgical tradition, the pastor should willingly accept their requests to celebrate the Mass according to the rite of the Roman Missal published in 1962, and ensure that the welfare of these faithful harmonizes with the ordinary pastoral care of the parish, under the guidance of the bishop in accordance with canon 392, avoiding discord and favoring the unity of the whole Church. (Summorum Pontificum) For context we find that Canon 392 requires the bishop of a diocese ...

True Obedience: The Mark of A Faithful Catholic Part D: Jesuit Obedience

+ JMJ The Obedience of the Jesuits There is one religious order that is usually put forward as the paragon of obedience: The Jesuits. While according to Fr. Harvanek SJ, the Jesuit practice of obedience changed after the Second Vatican Council, we are primarily concerned with how St. Ignatius understood obedience and its ideal practice within the Jesuits. A letter to the Portuguese Jesuit, penned by St. Ignatius in 1553, describes in detail the ideal of perfect obedience. In this letter, St. Ignastius exhorts the Portuguese Jesuits to a very high degree of obedience and as the word cloud of the top 100 words shows how the words superior and obedience dominate the letter. This theme of obedience to the superior is reinforced throughout the letter, with little or no distinctions concerning the content of the command. The Jesuits are exhorted to humble themselves by obeying the least command of their superiors, to internalize this humilty and to desire inter...

Good News: Pope Francis is NOT the Anti-Christ!

+ JMJ When I heard that Pope Francis had taken it upon himself to expand the Gospel I thought of two verses. First this one:   For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect. ( Source: Matthew 24:24 ) Obviously, Pope Francis is not demonstating signs and wonders that would deceive anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of Catholic Doctrine and a modicum of the Faith. Therefore he can't be the Anti-Christ, 'cause I'm not the elect and I'm definitely not deceived. (Humour is good for managing stress in distressing situations ...)

True Obedience: The Mark of A Faithful Catholic Part C: Summa Theologica

+ JMJ Summa Theologica – St. Thomas Aquinas It should be of no surprise that the Catechism of the Council of Trent refers the reader to the Summa. After all, for hundreds of years it was the 'go-to' reference manual for understanding key areas of Catholic theology. St. Thomas establishes that observance (question 102), rendering honor and respect to those in a position of dignity, is exercised by "rendering him service, by obeying his commands, and by repaying him, according to one's faculty, for the benefits we received from him".  Further, this service is owed to the person in a position of authority, not because of themselves, but because of the position of dignity that they occupy. Disobedience to the superior is counted by St. Thomas as a mortal sin as it is "contrary to the love of God" and the "love of our neighbor". In article 5 of question 104, St. Thomas proceeds to define the framework for obedience due to  superiors – out...

True Obedience: The Mark of A Faithful Catholic Part B: Obedience in the Church of Christ

+ JMJ True Obedience: The Mark of A Faithful Catholic Introduction In the liberal atmosphere that permeates Western culture, obedience has been greatly abused as an excuse for great evil. However, obedience is a virtue and Catholics are supposed to seek to continually increase in virtue. This leads to the question: How does a Catholic obey both their religious and civil superiors when they are obviously perpetrating evil laws and doctrines? The answer provided by the Catholic Church is surprisingly simple: God does not require blind obedience to all commands. In this article, we will review the Catholic teaching on obedience and its practice in the modern world. Obedience in the Church of Christ Because the Church has discussed obedience at length throughout the ages, forming an opinion aligned with the mind of the Church should not be difficult. In this age of immediate access to information, three authorities are readily available: Catechism of the Counci...