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Showing posts from January, 2015

Blogging Pause ... sequel

+ JMJ Well I had some time during the Christmas break to post some articles, and I still have one in a draft state - but it will have to wait for a few months. Translation: Things are too busy and my posts will be few and far between (unless I suddenly have a lot of time!) P^3

Is the SSPX right?

+ JMJ And if so ... about what? I discussed this theme earlier here   but it seems that, given the renewed furor against the SSPX, that it would be a good idea to revisit a key point. The SSPX has a specific perspective on this particular trial that has fallen upon the Church of Christ since the illustrious Second Vatican Council. The perspective is that there IS a crisis and that while the seeds were sown earlier, they sprouted in the fertile tilled soil of the Second Vatican Council (see Four Points ). This is the point that 'Rome' is unable to accept: That the Council (read: Second Vatican Council) documents contain the error in principle that have resulted in this multi-faceted crisis. ... and yes that includes the reforms that resulted in Liturgy, Law and now Morals. Keep the Faith! P^3

What Unity Is Being Offered to the SSPX (DICI)

+ JMJ While this appears to have: a. Been Archbishop Pozzo's own initiative b. and fallen on deaf ears ... It is still useful for the record. P^3 Courtesy of DICI What Unity Is Being Offered to the Society of St. Pius X? 7-11-2014 Filed under  From Tradition ,  News On October 20, 2014, in an interview granted to the French weekly  Famille chrétienne , Archbishop  Guido Pozzo  (in the picture), secretary of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, explained – after the meeting between Cardinal Müller and Bishop Fellay (September 23) – the subjects of discord between Rome and the Society of St. Pius X: “The controversial aspects have to do partly with the assessment of the ecclesial situation since Vatican Council II and the causes that produced a certain theological and pastoral tumult in the post-council period, and, more generally, in the modern context. And partly, they have to do with specific questions related to ecume...

POPE PIUS IX, Quartus Supra to the Armenians, January 6, 1873

+ JMJ An encyclical of Pope Pius IX (Quartus Supra) was recently invoked in a snide greeting here . The author quoted the following passage: “It is as CONTRARY TO THE DIVINE CONSTITUTION of the Church as it is to perpetual and constant tradition for anyone to attempt to prove the catholicity of his faith and TRULY CALL HIMSELF A CATHOLIC when he FAILS IN OBEDIENCE TO THE APOSTOLIC SEE.”  ( POPE PIUS IX, Quartus Supra to the Armenians, January 6, 1873 ) I have not as yet read the whole document, but I will make a quick guess:  The author is probably applying his own meaning to the words.  As noted elsewhere, it is probably part of a "confirmation bias". I wonder what "they" will do should the SSPX is regularized without a compromise? In reviewing the meaning of the quotation we employ the following steps: Place the quotation in its original context Evaluate whether or not the obedience in question applies to the condition of the SSPX or even Fr...

Blogging: Never before have so many people, with so little to say, said so much to so few!

+ JMJ It is important to keep both a sense of perspective as well as a sense of humour!!! P^3

When (false) Prophecy Fails

+ JMJ 18:21. And if in silent thought thou answer: How shall I know the word that the Lord hath not spoken? 18:22. Thou shalt have this sign: Whatsoever that same prophet foretelleth in the name of the Lord, and it cometh not to pass: that thing the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath forged it by the pride of his mind: and therefore thou shalt not fear him. ( Source ) It should be this simple. If someone makes a prediction about a future event and the event doesn't take place - then they were at best wrong and at worst a fraud. However, when a person or their followers can't accept that they were wrong - then life gets interesting - that's where we cross the threshold to 'cognitive dissonance theory' ( link ). General human behaviour  ... when confronted  with a reality which contradicts their beliefs. First let's clarify something: There is no justification for justifying ones own actions based on the supposed future action of someone ...

Laying it on the Line

+ JMJ I had thought that Bishop Williamson was starting to see through the fog of conspiracies because of the light of true doctrine. Then he wrote this: But what has happened to Tradition without the Archbishop to guide it? Alas, the authorities at the top of his Society of St Pius X, which for some 40 years spearheaded the defence of the objective Faith, cannot have been praying seriously enough to protect their minds and hearts from being in turn infected by subjectivism. They too have lost the primacy of objective truth, and so they are being played by the Romans like a fish is played by a fisherman. Archbishop Lefebvre, pray for us!


+ JMJ This is just too good a diagram to not link.

Robert Siscoe and John of St. Thomas Respond to Fr. Cekada - Catholic Family News

+ JMJ I've cited Mr. Siscoe's work in a number of my discussions with Sede-Vacantists and the following article is no exception. Source: Gloria.TV Additional Reference: Bellarmine and Suarez on the Question of a Heretical Pope. Robert Siscoe and John of St. Thomas Respond to Fr. Cekada (From September 2014 issue of Catholic Family News) By Robert J. Siscoe Fr. Cekada posted a response on his website to my April, 2014 article, titled  Bellarmine and Suarez on the Question of a Heretical Pope . (1) Skipping over the citations included in the article, which confirmed that the intervention of the proper ecclesiastical authorities is necessary for a sitting Pope to be declared deprived of his office due to heresy, Fr. Cekada zeroed in on one point in particular: he objected to my assertion that, according to Bellarmine, a Pope becomes a “manifest heretic” by remaining obstinate after being publicly warned.

Might is not right!

+ JMJ A refresher on some Catholic Principles. Courtesy of MIGHT IS NOT RIGHT Why "Preventive War" is Immoral By Fr. Juan Carlos Iscara Originally printed in the May 2003 issue of  The Angelus Perhaps when this article is published, the war against Iraq may be over. Or God forbid it may have just sparked off a wider conflict. Whatever the case, these few lines will not attempt to deal with the geopolitical or military aspects of the Iraqi war, which are beyond the author’s expertise, but will only examine its moral justification. As it has been said in a former article, 1  to state the conditions in which a just war is morally licit is an ethical judgment, whereas to decide that, here and now, a war should be fought is a judgment of political prudence.   In other words, to know the conditions in which a just war may be fought is one thing; to establish whether those conditions are or are not realized in a particular case is a different and...

At the Service of the Holy Catholic Church Declaration of 1974 - The root of the conflict between Rome and the SSPX DICI

+ JMJ I've personally encountered a spectrum of beliefs concerning the conflict between Rome and its offspring - the SSPX. Most of the responses are based on ignorance or a refusal to accept that the SSPX could be right in its response to the waves that are attempting to submerge the Barque of Peter. P^3 Courtesy of DICI At the Service of the Holy Catholic Church 21-11-2014    Filed under  From Rome ,  From Tradition ,  News ,  The Church in the world On November 21, 1974, 40 years ago,  Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre made this declaration, that has since become the Society of St. Pius X’s profession of Faith: “We adhere with our whole heart and with our whole soul to the Catholic Rome, guardian of the Catholic Faith and of the traditions necessary to the maintenance of this Faith, to the eternal Rome, mistress of wisdom and truth. Because of this adherence we refuse and have always refused to follow the Rome of neo-modernist a...