+ JMJ While this appears to have: a. Been Archbishop Pozzo's own initiative b. and fallen on deaf ears ... It is still useful for the record. P^3 Courtesy of DICI SSPX.org What Unity Is Being Offered to the Society of St. Pius X? 7-11-2014 Filed under From Tradition , News On October 20, 2014, in an interview granted to the French weekly Famille chrétienne , Archbishop Guido Pozzo (in the picture), secretary of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, explained – after the meeting between Cardinal Müller and Bishop Fellay (September 23) – the subjects of discord between Rome and the Society of St. Pius X: “The controversial aspects have to do partly with the assessment of the ecclesial situation since Vatican Council II and the causes that produced a certain theological and pastoral tumult in the post-council period, and, more generally, in the modern context. And partly, they have to do with specific questions related to ecume...