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Showing posts from June, 2013

Sacrilege - A Primer

Introduction On another forum, the accusation that the Novus Ordo Missae constitutes the sin of sacrilege was made. In the same manner as the accusations of heresy, I decided that it was necessary to have a deeper understanding of how the Church understands sacrilege.

Is there a "neo-modernist Rome"? - SSPX Point of View

Is there a “neo-modernist Rome”? 7-06-2013 Source The  Courrier de Rome  no. 365 (May 2013) published the French translation of an interview Fr. Jean-Michel Gleize gave to the U.S. district’s magazine,  The Angelus.  The interview allowed Fr. Gleize, professor of ecclesiology at the Seminary St. Pius X in Econe, to clarify some points of his study, “ Can one speak of the ‘conciliar Church’? ”, which was published in the Courrier de Rome  no. 363 (February 2013); extracts were published in DICI no. 273 (12/04/13). The Angelus :  Father, you recently offered an explanation saying that the expression “Conciliar Church” does not signify an institution distinct from the Catholic Church, but rather a “tendency” within it.  (See the February 2013 issue of  Le Courrier de Rome , cited in part by DICI.)  Wouldn’t the logical consequence of this theory be then that the Traditionalist movement should rejoin the official structure of t...

Everything You wanted to know the Infallibility of the Catholic Church but were afraid to ask about - Part 2

This is part two of my analysis of Fr. Cekada's ( here's part one ) Remnant article. As promised in part one: Having addressed the more serious aspects of Fr. Cekada's  arguments, I will research and address issues surrounding  'resistance to the Pope' and adherence ' to the teachings of the universal ordinary magisterium'  in part 2. In reading the remaining passages of Fr. Cekada's remnant article I found it confusing as he mixes a number of elements together so that it is difficult to extract the fundamentals.

Cardinal Burke: Catechism of Pius X is Also Today a Sure and Indispensible Reference Point

This is one of my favorite catechisms. Because it is short and to the point it makes an excellent reference point. Source

Remnant: Cardinal Ottaviani Responds to George Weigel

An excellent article by the Remnant in response to some assertions by George Weigel. Source Peter Crenshaw POSTED: May 30, 2013 REMNANT COLUMNIST ______________________ Share In his  latest column , Neo-Catholic luminary, George Weigel, presents his thesis that the once Traditional Catholic doctrine — “error has no rights” — has now been adopted by the leftist political state and is the cause of Christian persecution in Western democracies. Conclusion: Cardinal Ottaviani, staunch defender of this Catholic teaching, is having a subdued and sorrowful “last laugh” recognizing the irony and tragic consequences of his own outmoded Pre-VCII thinking on Church/State relations.  While there is a lot of irony in Mr. Weigel’s column, the tragedy is in the fact that Weigel fails to grasp it. To his credit, Weigel does a good job of capturing Cardinal Ottaviani’s prediction of the fruits of  Vatican II style “religious liberty”: As a legal scholar considering t...