+ JMJ It is unavoidable that the conflict between the Church and the World will ... inspite of the Church basically surrendering to the World during and after the Second Vatican Council ... enter the family. First, it is unlikely that an entire family will be "Traditional Catholic". This will lead to conflict between the various "sides" of the family. Next there is the impact of the world around them. In other words, you can't keep your children out of the world indefinitely. There are so many pressures and stessors that work against keeping the Catholic Life that it seems that heroic virtue is needed in this day and age. A final aspect is related to the second. Their companions, especially if they are not Catholic. In some cases you may hope that your children will influence instead of be influenced. In this case you will have to intervene if they are underage and if adults, pray and act prudently. With all these forces stacked up against you, the best you...
Seeking A Way Forward: A Lay Catholic Traditionalist's Thoughts and Reflections on ways to help the Church emerge from this crisis of Faith