+ JMJ Continuing from yesterday's post, I'd like to take a quick look at CMTV's personal response to the SSPX press release ( Church Militant: Response to SSPX press release ). Since Baresel's first article was shot down ... they appear to be trying to save face. First, by reiterating the assertion that the SSPX is somehow sheltering Fr. McLucas ... even though he isn't a member, doesn't reside with the SSPX and ... well wasn't convicted of a crime. They show their bias by restating the unproven allegation that Fr. McLucas committed sin with the woman in her twenties. Later they correctly state that this is an allegation. Since there isn't any traction here they move on to other allegations, listing them as 'Evidence of protecting sexual predators'. Case 1 Fr. Peignot: It's weird that CMTV makes this case, which ends with the SSPX "... After Andre took his complaint to the Vatican, the Vatican authorized the SSPX to begin...
Seeking A Way Forward: A Lay Catholic Traditionalist's Thoughts and Reflections on ways to help the Church emerge from this crisis of Faith