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Showing posts from June, 2017

Breaking: Card. Mueller no longer head of CDF

+ JMJ Rorate has posted this news - while the Pope simply didn't renew his 5-year mandate, people will say it speaks 'volumes'. Personally, I think that we'll see how effective Card. Mueller was in holding back the floodwaters of Pope Francis' agenda. I wonder who Pope Francis will nominate in his place. It will be very telling as Card. Mueller speculative theological opinions were an issue with the SSPX and he was forced to affirm the faith because of their protests. As Card. Mueller was one voice opposing a no-compromise canonical regularization, I wonder what is next. P^3 Source: Rorate-Caeli

Father Jean-Michel Gleize, SSPX: Unity or Legality?

+ JMJ I had noticed this article in the Courrier de Rome and am happy that the Remnant had it translated. From my perspective and based on what I've heard, I suspect that a canonical regularization is a long way away. P^3 Courtesy of The Remnant

The SSPX has wished for a personal prelature since 1984 - La FSSPX souhaitait une prélature personnelle dès 1984 - Credidimus Cartatis

+ JMJ M. DuCray has a pertinent article on the early desires of the Archbishop regarding the SSPX. I am certain that some will argue (unsuccessfully) that the Archbishop abandoned that desire.  However, if he didn't say it explicitly, then they are simply jumping to a conclusion. P^3 Source: Credidimus Caritatis

Examples of Miraculous Holy Communion

+ JMJ While I have been aware of miraculous communions, the issue of Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta receiving the Body and Blood of Our Lord made me curious. So I did a quick search and found the following notes. I have not checked the original sources at this time. P^3 Source: Name withheld as the sight is also promoting what I believe to be an unapproved apparition.

Examination Results

+ JMJ Greetings all! I took my exam on Wednesday morning - one full hour with a little drama - but all indications are that I at least achieved the level that I need for my position. With the grace of God, bolstered by your and my families (not to mention the promised masses for the souls in purgatory) prayers I may have achieved the level necessary for any higher positions. I will know in about 8 business days my final results! This has been a long-haul as I've been in courses for the exam series for over 9 months.  It was hard and showed me the limits on my activities. Many thanks and rest assured of my prayers in return! P^3

Monsignor Bux: We Are in Full Crisis of Faith - The Remnant

+ JMJ I would like to thank Pope Francis for making the doctrinal state of the Church clear by drawing the Second Vatican Council to its logical conclusions. I would also like to thank Cardinal Kasper (can't believe I'm doing this) for clearly identifying the link between V2 and this latest version of the crisis. P^3 Courtesy of the Remnant

A MAJOR SSPX CLARIFICATION: Towards a Doctrinal Agreement? Written by Father Jean-Michel Gleize - The Remnant

+ JMJ This is an interesting article (I am still reading the original and it provides a summary of what divides) especially the last paragraph: What should our conclusion be? We would simply say that the “Society of Saint Pius X does not have to negotiate a charitable recognition which would save it from a supposed schism. It has the immense honor, after forty years of exclusion, to be able to witness in favor of the Catholic Faith in the Vatican [5]”  ...while we wait for Rome to finally decide to expel the perfidious Conciliar errors from the midst of the faithful [6]. 34. Que conclure ? Reprenant les paroles citées au début de ce numéro, nous dirions simplement que « la Fraternité Saint Pie X n’a pas à négocier une charitable reconnaissance qui la sauverait d’un schisme supposé. Elle a l’immense honneur, après quarante années d’exclusion, de pouvoir, au Vatican, témoigner de la foi catholique ». En attendant que Rome se décide enfin à chasser du milieu des croyants le p...

Dubia - Next Step

+ JMJ This is important in the history of the Church.  The four Cardinals have requested a private audience with the Pope and ... have been refused. The full letter can be read on Life Site News' site. We are definitely entering a decisive point in this crisis - the climax will undoubtedly unfold over the the next year or so. P^3 Source: Life Site News

The Letter on Marriages: Clarifications and Developments - FSSPX.NEWS

+ JMJ As most 'trads' are aware, over the past couple of decades, Rome has slowly make concession after concession while the SSPX stayed the course of Catholicism. In 1982 it was the weak acknowledgement of the desires of the faithful to have the Tridentine Mass. 1988 saw a number of concessions, but the compromises that were requested after the signing indicated that the time was not ripe as the ' mantra ' was still in place. There were a number of background concessions that I've gleaned from various statements made by Bishop Fellay. Then we arrive at 2007.  This was a great vindication of many faithful Catholics. In direct contradiction of an official curial statement (I have to find the time to dig up the reference sometime ...) we now know that the Tridentine Mass was never abrogated and it was always legal to say that Mass. Pardon me for a quick segue. I attended a meeting with the local ordinaries of two dioceses and they were careful to not...

Cynical Resistors

+ JMJ I noticed a post by a person using the pseudonym 'Gerard' on the topic of the Angel giving Lucia communion via  a consecrated host and Francisco and Jacinta via consecrated wine. Incredibly, 'Gerard' raises some objections to this action:

Blind sided by a 2x4

+ JMJ Updated to clarify some of the language. At this point in time, I am writing this article to clarify my thoughts about Louie Verrecchio's behaviour of late. Specifically, the article by Fr. Gleize has caused Louie some concern.  This concern has resulted in a semi-dramatic shift in Louie's tone and articles on the SSPX. I think the following articles reflect the shift / concerns / perspective of Louie: March 10, 2017:    March 13, 2017: March 16, 2017: March 20, 2017: March 21, 2017: March 23, 2017: March 30, 2017:  https://akacath...

Communion Under Both Kinds? - The Remnant

+ JMJ As I've repeated ad-nauseum, as Traditional Catholics we need to seek to understand the teachings of the Church as She understands them. Not as we would wish they would be understood. Id Est: Humble ourselves. Fathers brief explanation on the Eastern Rites draws an important distinction in the fight that we find ourselves. There are a number of different rites for the Holy Mass and while the Latin Rite is dominant, the others are also ancient.  Understanding the breadth of the liturgical tradition highlights the gravity of what was discarded post V2 in the Latin Rite and what currently threatens the Eastern Rites. If you have an opportunity to attend an Eastern Rite Mass - that is unmodified - I highly recommend it as it will broaden your perspective of the Church. One caveat: I am not advocating attending a Schismatic Eastern Rite Mass! :-) P^3 Courtesy of The Remnant

Cardinal Questions Papal Teaching on Anglican Orders

+ JMJ The confusion in the Church continues.  The Emperor has no clothes (theologically speaking). P^3

The Marriage Crisis In The Catholic Church

+ JMJ Rorate has published a new version of the article the marriage crisis with the following forward: After receiving a detailed critique of the section on Theology of the Body in the essay below, the author has seen fit to clarify certain parts of that section as well as that on Amoris Laetitia. There follows the corrected and revised version of the essay by Fr. Pietro Leone, a traditional priest in Italy. I had likewise recieved critiques when I published the article (I have a french article that I will translate when time allows). P^3 Source: Rorate-Caeli

Opinion of an FSSP Seminarian

+ JMJ Last week I had the opportunity to have a discussion with a 4th year FSSP seminarian. It was an interesting discussion and after resolving some of the 'SSPX needs to come back into the Church' verbiage, we arrived at what I believe to be the heart of the matter: Is it a mortal sin (objectively) to consecrate a bishop without papal mandate? Unfortunately, the event was winding down when we arrived at this important point.

Serenity and Humour

+ JMJ In dealing with crazed Modernists and Traditionalists (there are some of each) it is best to remember: Be happy!!! P^3

The Vatican and SSPX – An Organizational Culture Perspective - Reblogged

+ JMJ Reblogged from  The Vatican and SSPX – An Organizational Culture Perspective  August 29,2012. Introduction The recent and continuing interactions between the Vatican and the SSPX have been a great opportunity for prayer and reflection.  The basis for the disagreement is theological and not liturgical. As noted by Dr. Lamont (2012), the SSPX theological position on the four key controversial aspects of the Second Vatican Council are base on prior theological work that resulted from relevant magisterial pronouncements.  So it is difficult to understand the apparent rejection of the theological position of the SSPX.

“Anything can Happen”: Interview with Fr. Alain-Marc Nély

+ JMJ Bishop Fellay mentioned, I believe in 2000, that when Rome approaches the SSPX it will be more difficult. Why? Because the clear distance between the SSPX and Rome will be lessened. This is happening now, so keep on praying. I will re-blogging a copy of my article on Org Culture. P^3 Courtesy of Anything can happen