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Economic Systems: Communism, Socialism, Free - Market - Part 2

 + JMJ  Following up on my first article I did a quick review of the Catholic Encyclopedia (links below). First the idea of the economy is to manage the resources of an organization. That can be a person, family, company, country or even world. The term socialism (quoted below) definitely seems to apply today over a hundred years later. A system of social and economic organization that would substitute state monopoly for private ownership of the sources of production and means of distribution, and would concentrate under the control of the secular governing authority the chief activities of human life.  This is where I see socialism leading to a police state as described in 1984.  There are a number of current movements that seek to limit the action of religion and the majority in favour of minorities. Something to research further. Communism seems to be a flavour of Socialism with all property being removed from the control of the individuals. In its more general signification commun
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Why do Traditional Catholics make the Sign of the Cross when passing in front of a Catholic church?

 + JMJ  As I passed in front of the Catholic Church in my town, I automatically made a Sign of the Cross.  Because the cemetery is just beside it I also said the following prayer: Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed though the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. I learned to make this Profession of Faith (Sign of the Cross) when my family started attending the Tridentine Mass in my city.  This was later reinforced when I attended St. Mary's Academy in St. Marys, Kansas.  Today I wondered, why we do this and if I could find an easy source of it. After a little search ... I don't have much time today ... I found lots of testimony from various people.  But it all comes down to the reason for making the Sign of the Cross.   Answer: It is a Profession of Faith and out of reverence for Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. Given the state of the Catholic Church, I think it woul

News Roundup September 20,2024

 + JMJ    Just a little round up of some news bytes that caught my eye since the last Roundup. P^3 Tradicat: Popes Past Present and Future The Pope Wants to “Walk Together” with the Orthodox | FSSPX News RORATE CÆLI: "The Traditional Mass as a Conclave Issue: An Obstacle for Cardinal Parolin" Saint Pius X and Restoring All Things in Christ « Catholic Insight Pope St. Pius X Pope Pius XII on fashion - Voice of the Family The Oath Against Modernism, 2024 – Return to Fatima A Manifest Heretic Can Neither Become nor Remain a Pope Restore-DC-Catholicism: How Is This Not Material Heresy, If Not Formal Heresy? Bishop Strickland: Francis Teaches "Heresy" – RORATE CÆLI: “Christ is no longer to be spoken about—and can no longer be spoken about”: New essay by Vigilius on Pope Francis in Southeast Asia Tradicat:So there are more cries of heresy and I have to wonder where they were during the reign of Pope St. John Paul the Second? The problem is

Economic Systems: Communism, Socialism, Free - Market - Part 1

 + JMJ  I live in a country that some call 'socialist' ... and I recall looking up the definition once and found that the label didn't fit. So I've decided to do a shallow dive into the different economic systems with a focus on Communism, Socialism and Market Driven. In Socialism - the means of production are not owned by individuals, but by a collective of some sort, such as the Government.   In Canada we have Crown Corporations that are own and managed by the Government.  So these do appear to be 'Socialist', however they are the exception not the rule and are generally focused on areas of national importance (See list at end of article).  I've attached some excerpts below and have concluded that the Canadian Health system is not inherently socialist because the 'method of production' - meaning the hospitals - are not generally owned by the government, but privately via corporations.  What most people don't seem to know is that the Canadian He

Five Laws to Frame the Daily Challenges We Face

 + JMJ  I was sent a link to this on YouTube and thought it would be useful advice for grappling with the challenges of this life.     P^3          

Lumen Gentium 16, Cognitive Dissonance and Making Distinctions

 + JMJ  I once had an argument on Ignis Ardens with Catholicam (link: Cognitive Dissonance ) that took issue with Lumen Gentium 16 - particularly the distinction that Muslims "adore the one and merciful God" and "professing to hold the faith of Abraham". Below is an annotated version of Lumen Gentium 16.  16. Finally, those who have not yet received the Gospel are related in various ways to the people of God.(18*)  In the first place we must recall the people to whom the testament and the promises were given [Tradicat: Jewish People] and from whom Christ was born according to the flesh.(125) On account of their fathers this people remains most dear to God, for God does not repent of the gifts He makes nor of the calls He issues.(126)  But the plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator. In the first place amongst these there are the Muslims , who, professing to hold the faith of Abraham, along with us adore the one and merciful God, who on the

Geocentrism (Updated)

 + JMJ In 2011, there was a conspiracy theory / fad amongst some Traditionalists to believe in Geocentrism.  It got to the point where the SSPX issued a statement (see references below).  The core issue that I have with the Geocentrists that I have encountered is that their arguments are incoherent and don't prove what they think they do. For example, in order to believe in Geocentrism is it necessary to set aside the basic understanding of Gravity and Centrifugal forces. This is what is keeping the satellites in orbit, not, as one geo claimed, the balance of the universe all around us does. Other arguments are based on their literal interpretation of the Bible. We, as Catholics, are already supposed to know that there are issues with that approach depending on the passage. Then there's the conspiracy theory against Galileo.Which, I'm not going to dig into today. The key point is that, with its biases against actual evidence, poor arguments, Catholic Geocentrists make the j

News Roundup August 4, 2024 and Another Milestone

 + JMJ  Well after nearly 14 years - I have reached a landmark of 1999 posts - even though a number are still pending release over the next few months. ( Previous article on Why I Started This Blog - Link ) P^3 Background I started this blog in August of 2012 as a repository for my research after realizing that all my work and discussions on AngelQueen and Ignis Ardens (link) were quickly lost in the continually rolling nature of forums.   Further, Angel Queen is defunct and Ignis Ardens died for a time before the forum software was bought by Tapatalk and reopened.   N.B. Suscipe Domine is a Catholic Forum that has a working moderation system with set rules and can be found here: Suscipe Domine (link) . I was active on the forum for a while but no longer have the time to be as active. I also got banned from forums like CathInfo (it took a couple of days) and a Resistance Forum that sent me an invitation banned me while I was writing my first post. Twenty minutes to banning remains m

Conspiracy Theories, Cognitive Dissonance Theory, Fatima and the Sister Lucia Doppleganger (Update 2 with response to comment)

 + JMJ I realised a while back that conspiracy theories are attempts at explaining complicated events. Which isn't a big deal until they become a belief. When I first entered the Traditional Catholic domain, there was a theory the Paul VI had been replaced by some nefarious people.  The reasoning what similar to the SedeVacantists, the pope can't do X, and did X so he can't be pope. Fast forward forty years and we have a respectable academic ( Home - Sister Lucy Truth ) saying the same thing about Sister Lucia. It is basically the same premise all over again, Our Lady said X and Sister Lucia said X (about the consecration) and that can't be so ... Sister Lucia can't be Sister Lucia. You see where this is going? People get kidnapped all the time, but this one is a stretch for a big reason: The fake Sister Lucia lived amongst her sisters for years and most importantly was visited by her relatives. If she'd been swapped out don't you think they would have notic

Trolls are People Too!

 + JMJ I've 'bumped' into my share of Internet Trolls over the years and came across one YouTube video that made an excellent point. A female TV meteorologist posted a video on Trolls and said something that struck me. It turned out that one Troll she encountered had some developmental issues and came across as a Troll, but when the Troll started getting Trolled it was devastating. Thinking back, while some of the Trolls I encountered just had issues with language, I had never considered the simple fact that Trolls are people too. This makes it more difficult to deal with them. Unless of course the Troll is an AI ChatBot! P^3