+ JMJ The misapplication of the phrase 'Mercy of God' is a prevalent in the Church today. In the name of Mercy - the Spiritual Works of Mercy are abandoned particularly the ones hightlighted below. To instruct the ignorant ; To counsel the doubtful ; To admonish sinners ; To bear wrongs patiently; To forgive offences willingly; To comfort the afflicted; To pray for the living and the dead . Source: Tradicat Who can deny that today the ignorant are not instructed in the faith (read: crisis of catechetical studies), the doubtful are not counseled (read: follow your conscience), that sinners are not admonished (read: allow those living in an open objective state of sin to receive communion), and the paucity of prayers for the dead. I recently came across the following in the Sermons of St. Alphonsus and concluded that it was definitely apropos to the dangers of false mercy. The e-version I used has some errors, so ...