Everything You wanted to know the Infallibility of the Catholic Church but were afraid to ask about - Part 4
While not specifically about infallibility, this post is related to some of Fr. Cekada's work referenced in earlier issues of this series. I recently was challenged on another forum to "Please thoroughly read Fr. Cekada's 'Frankenchurch' article which link is provided in his post above, and then get back to me... " This was related to a question that I had asked Fr. Cekada, namely: What defide doctrines of the Church have the post-V2 Pontiffs explicitly? Father's response was: "Credo in unam ecclesiam," for one, because they profess the Frankenchurch heresy. For an explanation, see: Resisting the Pope, Sedevacantism and Frankenchurch, section II.B In my earlier review of this thesis ( part 1 , part 2 ) I had decided against writing a point by point review of the noted section because I concluded that it wasn't worth the effort since: "... Much of the remainder of the Fr. Cekada's assertions are of the same vein. He eit...