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Showing posts from May, 2013

How There is no Security from Temptation

The Imitation of Christ Book 3 Chapter 35 The Thirty-Fifth Chapter There is No Security from Temptation in This Life The Voice of Christ MY CHILD, in this life you are never safe, and as long as you live the weapons of the spirit will ever be necessary to you. You dwell among enemies. You are subject to attack from the right and the left. If, therefore, you do not guard yourself from every quarter with the shield of patience, you will not remain long unscathed. Moreover, if you do not steadily set your heart on Me, with a firm will to suffer everything for My sake, you will not be able to bear the heat of this battle or to win the crown of the blessed. You ought, therefore, to pass through all these things bravely and to oppose a strong hand to whatever stands in your way. For to him who triumphs heavenly bread is given, while for him who is too lazy to fight there remains much misery. If you look for rest in this life, how will you attain to everlasting rest? Disp...

Traditionalists, Conservatives, Sedevacantists

We were going through some of our papers looking for old photos of Fr. Normandin and came across this pamphlet. While some of the adulation for Archbishop Lefebvre may seem a little extreme, it is good to see the basic principles of the SSPX are still present.


I am examining a claim by a sedevacantist that the Church cannot implement evil laws (Novus Ordo Missae) due to its Infallibility, therefore the Pope is not a true Pope etc. As part of this I've been doing some searches and came across this article by Fr. Peter R. Scott (FSSPX) and also an article in the Catholic Encyclopedia on ecclesiastical discipline (referenced by Fr. Scott). QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Fr. Peter R. Scott SOURCE DOES THE CHURCH’S INFALLIBILITY EXTEND TO DISCIPLINARY LAWS? This is a question of the greatest importance for a traditional Catholic in the present crisis in the Church, for in practice he rejects disciplinary laws of the post-conciliar Church. How can he do so if disciplinary laws are infallible? Surely, if they are infallible, then he is obliged either to admit the sedevacantist thesis that there is no pope, or simply submit to them. However, it is theologically certain that the Church’s infallibility does indeed extend to disciplin...

Ecclesiastical Discipline

Ecclesiastical Discipline Source Etymologically the word discipline signifies the formation of one who places himself at school and under the direction of a master. All Christians are the disciples of Christ, desirous to form themselves at His school and to be guided by His teachings and precepts. He called Himself, and we, too, call Him, Our Master. Such, then, is evangelical discipline. However, in ecclesiastical language the word discipline has been invested with various meanings, which must here be enumerated and specified.

The Fourth Session

In many discussions about the crisis in the Church it is easy to lose sight of some key elements of Church Teaching. While the Pontiffs of late have perhaps in varying degrees added to as opposed to dispelled the confusion within the Church.  The teaching of the Church regarding their part in the visbility of the Church remains as a rebuke to those that would think that the Church could exist without its foundation. source SESSION 4 : 18 July 1870

The Peaceful Man

The Imitation of Christ - Book 2 - Chapter 3 Goodness and Peace in Man FIRST keep peace with yourself; then you will be able to bring peace to others. A peaceful man does more good than a learned man. Whereas a passionate man turns even good to evil and is quick to believe evil, the peaceful man, being good himself, turns all things to good.